
Merry Christmas from Captain Automatic, A Band That Comprises Three and a Half Jews

Thanks to everybody for coming to the Silverlake Lounge last week and thanks to the Fold for having us over.

We've been cooking up some special treats in the Captain Automatic holiday kitchen. Engineered by the band and produced by Professor Pessah, here for your seasonal enjoyment is our late-entry contribution to your holiday migraine. Please download and play at a mall near you today.

Enjoy, and we'll see you in ought-eight.


Silverlake Lounge, December 18

Thanks to Aman About Town and Going Los Angeles for covering the show.

Pictured: Andrew joins on cello for "The Recognitions". (Hear it at our myspace.)


On Sale Today; Wet Your Whistle

Pictures Of The Moon EP is now on sale at CD Baby. It fits neatly into most regulation stockings.

Here's a sample track for you to enjoy. It's called "New Hampshire Rodeo", and you can listen to it right here or download it and put it on that party mix you were making.